


decapod crustaceans, aquaculture, cultivation, cannibalism, shrimp, crayfish


The article presents data on the current state and trends in the development of world aquaculture of ten-legged crayfish. Ten-legged crustaceans are of the greatest commercial importance among the representatives of the class of higher crayfish. It is emphasised that the technologies for growing crustaceans in artificial conditions are under development and continuous improvement, and the range of their species in aquaculture is constantly expanding. It is established that the leaders in crustacean aquaculture are such countries as China, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Ecuador, Thailand, and Bangladesh. The structure and volumes of cultivation of the main cultivated species are presented. It should be noted that about 45 species of crustaceans are registered in the world aquaculture, with shrimps accounting for the bulk of the total aquaculture volume, while crayfish account for only 10%. At the same time, more than 51% is accounted for by the white-footed shrimp. The problem of cannibalism as a deterrent to the use of intensive farming methods is highlighted. The placement of special shelters and structuring of space significantly reduces cannibalism, but cannot completely eliminate it. These are the prerequisites for the development of crustacean aquaculture and its current state in Ukraine. Another modern direction of aquaculture is becoming relevant, which aims to restore endangered and replenish existing natural populations. The main method in this case may be the creation of complexes for obtaining young aquatic organisms in artificial conditions for their further settlement in natural reservoirs (freshwater crayfish, commercial shrimp species). It is noted that one of the priority areas for preserving the species diversity of aquatic organisms and their numbers is artificial reproduction with the release of young into the natural environment of native crustacean species, both freshwater and marine.


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