


Horodnytsky Forest Farm, Zvyagelsky district, population, number of chicks, biological features, protection


Black Stork Ciconia nigra L. is a rare species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, so any information about it is important, in particular for its protection. Within the period of 2020-2023, studies of this species were carried out on the territory of the western part of Zhytomyr Polissya to figure out the relevant population, factors affecting it, biological features and to compare them with the data obtained during the expedition in this area in 2009. The research was conducted by searching for the new and checking previously known nests in Horodnytsky Forest Farm. Moreover, local residents and employees of the forest farm provided some data. During the period of 2020-2023, 7 residential nests were found in the area investigated, 2 of which belong to one pair of Black Stork, 3 uninhabited nests and 5 likely nesting sites. Overall, 11 nesting pairs were confirmed. Considering that we have studied less than half of the area of this forest farm, using the extrapolation method, we can assume that the total number of species now is approximately 25 pairs. Therefore, the number has remained stable during the last decade. However, in recent years there has been a decrease in the number of pairs that begin to breed, as well as, a reduction in chicks’ number that have successfully hatched and left the nest. In 2020- 2023, the average number of chicks in a brood was 1.9, which is almost twice less than in 2004-2008 - 3.43. This is due to the climate change, as small ponds are drying up being the major feeding grounds of this species. In the future, such changes will lead to a decline in the population of Black Stork, so it is necessary to apply all potential means to protect them. In addition, the article discusses some biological features of the species.


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