resin, resin-bearing plants, raw materials, secretory structures, plant communities, phytocenosesAbstract
The paper presents data on possible promising directions for the use of resin-bearing plants of the Central Polissia in various spheres of human activity on the example of the model territory of the city of Zhytomyr and its surroundings, which represents the typical floristic complexes of this region. As part of various plant groups, 64 species of resinous plants were found, of which 9 are representatives of gymnosperms belonging to two families: Pine and Cypress, and 55 are representatives of 28 families of angiosperms. It was found that 15 species grow in forest phytocenoses, of which 9 are woody and 6 are herbaceous plants, 13 and 6 species of herbaceous plants grow in meadows and in the coastal zone of water bodies, respectively, in cultural phytocenoses - 34 species, of which 22 species are trees and shrubs and 12 species are herbaceous plants. Most of the urboflora plants are planted for the purpose of decorative landscaping, 3 species are cultivated as vegetables, 4 as medicinal ones. The content and localization of resins in the identified plants were analyzed based on the processing of various scientific sources. Resins in plants are products of secondary metabolism and are localized in various secretory zones or structures: resin channels, milk vessels, idioblast cells, glandular hairs, which can be present in various plant organs. It was established that 15 species accumulate resin in the roots and rhizomes, 7 species only in the bark or buds, 2 species in the shoots, or fruits, or seeds; in flowers - 3 species, in all aerial organs - 12 species. In Central Polissia, resins obtained from plants of the pine genus (Pinus), in particular Scots pine (Pinus silvestris), are of commercial importance, raw materials from which are used in the paint, cosmetic, chemical, rubber, and pharmaceutical industries. Other resin-bearing plants are mainly raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry, and common hops (Humulus lupulus) - for the food industry. Plant resins play an important role in various cultures around the world and are universal resources that have a wide enough spectrum for use in various spheres of human activity. Therefore, the conducted research is important for assessing the composition of phytoresources, their rational use and preservation.
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