



anthropogenic landscapes, landscapes of Ukraine, height differentiation of landscapes, height landscape levels, geographical regularities


Until now, the height differentiation of landscapes has not been given due attention. The experience of landscape optimization shows that taking into account their height differentiation is a necessary condition in the development of regional projects and schemes of rational nature management. This especially applies to the altitudinal differentiation of agricultural and forest landscapes for the purpose of their reconstruction and restoration, the development of landscape contour organization schemes, the optimization of the protected network, etc. Based on this, the issue of researching the height differentiation of landscapes of a separate region - the forest-steppe of Ukraine - is relevant. The purpose of the article: to analyze the features of altitudinal differentiation of natural landscapes and consider their modern structure using the example of the forest-steppe of Ukraine in comparison with individual regions of Europe, as well as to determine the main geographical patterns of the manifestation of altitudinal differentiation of landscapes. The proposed research is based on the ideas of F. M. Milkov and Н. I. Denуsyk about the vertical (height) differentiation of landscapes. The analysis of height differentiation of the forest-steppe landscapes of Ukraine was carried out in the context of teaching about the landscape sphere. In the course of research, as the main ones, the constructive-landscape approach and the principles of complexity and naturalanthropogenic coexistence were applied. The main methods used were theoretical generalization, historicallandscape research, leading factor, zoning, modeling, analogies, expeditionary, etc. On the heights of the south of the East European plain and in particular the forest-steppe of Ukraine, 3 altitudinal landscape levels are clearly distinguished. The first level is occupied by young hydrogen landscapes, the absolute heights of which in most areas rise to 200–250 m. The second level rises to a height of 250–320 m and is occupied by landscapes typical for this strip. It is replaced by the third level, the absolute height of which is more than 300 m. It is occupied by landscapes peculiar to this strip. Within the height and landscape levels, it is proposed to separate the upper and lower tiers. The main geographical regularities of the manifestation of height differentiation of landscapes have been determined: 1) the taxonomic rank of landscapes affected by height differentiation is determined by fluctuations in absolute and relative heights; 2) each natural zone and sub-zone has its own specific features of height differentiation of landscapes; 3) height differentiation of landscape complexes depends on exposure location; 4) height differentiation of landscapes depends on the peculiarities of the paleogeographical development of the region.


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