territorial community, capacity, integral indicator, medium-sized towns, z one of influence, Ukrainian PolissiaAbstract
The purpose of the presented research is to determine the level of financial capacity of territorial communities with centers in medium-sized towns, which are theoretically the most developed and perspective. Calculation of the integral indicator of capacity for such category of communities has not been carried out before, which makes this work highly relevant. Based on the official Methodological recommendations for assessing the level of financial capacity of territorial communities, with the author's corrections, a list of eight main indicators of the financial capacity was determined. The integral coefficient of financial capacity calculated by the method of calculating intermediate coefficients according to the appropriate formula. Based on the deviation of the calculated integral indicators with regard to the average value for the regions of Ukrainian Polissia, the classification of territorial communities carried out by the level of its capacity. As follows, the Kovel, Novohrad-Volyn, Berdychiv and Pryluky territorial communities have a high level of financial capacity. The Nizhyn territorial community has a moderate level of capacity. Satisfactory level of capacity has the Korosten territorial community. The Novovolyn territorial community has a low level of capacity. There is a significant level of disparities according to individual indicators, which are present even within the group of the most capable communities. The most significant disparities between territorial communities arise in terms of budget revenues and budget subsidies. Using the method of correlation analysis, the dependence between indicators of financial capacity and features of the territorial concentration of the population of territorial communities was determined. In this way, higher values of financial capacity stimulators result in a higher population concentration within the center of the community. On the other hand, higher level of disincentive indicators contributes to a higher population concentration in the nearest zone of influence around the center of the territorial community. The higher level of the integral indicator of the financial capacity of territorial communities in general, the larger number of population is concentrated in their centers. The results, which obtained during this research, may be used for further regional socio-economic researches.
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