



chemistry, system, science, atom, polycondensation, polymers, threat, planet


The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation of one of the most important directions of the science of Chemistry from its philosophical perceptions in the early scientific period from 25 years BC till1800, when chemistry began to be identified with the atomic structure of the world. It is shown how the accumulation of emotional and empirical knowledge in the field of medicine (therapy, surgery, pharmacology) and alchemy contributed to the formation of chemistry as a science that unifies and expands knowledge about man and his activities in the most sought-after spheres of activity, from protection against diseases, management to military protection. A significant role in the formation of chemical science belongs to J. Dalton, who performed chemical studies of oxides and sulfides not only of all known substances, but also created two-dimensional models of alloys of 2-, 3-, 4-, ... 7-element compounds. Laid 3-dimensional models of water and ice. Chemist Dalton laid the foundations of chemical thermodynamics, chemical synthesis of inorganic chemistry, which can be involved in organic chemistry. His chemical analysis operates more with philosophical categories, but when moving to the atomic masses of substances, it is quite suitable. We only need to remember that these are the times from 1808 to 1827, and it was more than 100 years before the structure of the atom was established. The appearance of polymers in the interpretation of Hermann Staudinger in the 20s of the 20th century with its polycondensation method of synthesis contributed to the trend of searching for an effective method of synthesis of new polymers, which ended in the 60s with the unique method of stereo-specific polymerization of Ziegler-Natta. This period of homopolymer syntheses has ended and the time has come for composites and mass pollution of the environment with polymer waste. And now it is possible to openly claim that "plastic threatens the planet because plastic kills the ocean." Scientists and chemists as creators of polymers are aware of their responsibility for research results and look for changes in chemical technologies.


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