sunflower, hybrid, technology elements, row spacing, plant density, yieldAbstract
The article highlights the results of research on the impact of sowing dates on the productivity of Ukrainian F1 and RST Vollf sunflower hybrids. The research was conducted in the fields of the Potochysche Agricultural Farm in the Kolomyia district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The aim of the study was to determine agronomically justified sowing dates for sunflower hybrids that would ensure the formation of an optimal productivity structure of the crop in the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe. Research methods included field, laboratory, mathematical, statistical, and computational approaches. It was established that the RST Vollf hybrid exhibited a shorter vegetative period of 102 days compared to the Ukrainian F1 hybrid, which had a duration of 108 days. The plant height during the late and middle sowing dates was on average 5% higher compared to the early sowing period in the cultivation of the Ukrainian F1 hybrid. The RST Vollf hybrid displayed a better plant habitus during the early sowing period, and it also formed the highest height of 160.8 cm, which was 3.2 and 4.3 cm lower, respectively. Summarizing the crop yields over the research period reveals a clear trend that the Ukrainian F1 sunflower hybrid produces a better yield during the late sowing period, averaging 3 tons/ha more. The RST Vollf hybrid has a higher yield by 0.36 tons per hectare. For the early sowing period, the RST Vollf hybrid provided a seed mass of 102.3 g per head, which was 3.5% higher compared to sowings on April 24th. During the late sowing period, the seed mass from the head of this hybrid was 112.4 g. The seed looseness of sunflower was higher in variants with the cultivation of the Ukrainian F1 hybrid, averaging 23.3%, while the RST Vollf hybrid had a lower percentage of seed shelling at 21.8%. As we can see, the seed looseness of sunflower is not dependent on sowing dates but is formed due to the biological characteristics of the hybrid.
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