foliar feeding, variety, grain, presowing seed treatment, spring barleyAbstract
The article presents the results of studies that were conducted on the territory of the Forest-steppe of Ukraine during 2021-23, where the indicators of grain and fodder productive spring barley were studied, depending on the variety, foliar feeding and presowing treatment of seeds. The indicators of the share of influence of the studied factors on the grain yield and the correlation between the output of digestive protein and the yield were also studied. Studies were conducted with varieties of barley spring Spitfire, Imidzh and Avhii. During phenological observations, they found indicators of the height and density of the studied varieties. It was found that the grain productivity of spring barley not depending on the variety on the variant by conducting only water treatment (control) was 2,74-3,22 t/ha. During the introduction of preparations without pre-sowing treatment, the grain yield increased to 2,98- 3,52 t/ha. Additional treatment of seeds provided an increase in yield by another 0,10-0,23 t/ha. The Spitfire variety showed the best indicators of grain yield. At the control, the yield of this variety was 3,22 tons/ha, which is 0,48 tons/ha more compared to the barley variety of spring Avhii, and 0,30 tons/ ha - compared to the Imidzh variety. With foliar feeding, this trend continued, and on the Vegestim + variant, pre-sowing treatment with the Spitfire variety, the highest yields were recorded – 3,75 t/ha, which is 1,01 t/ha more compared to the control. It was found that the greatest influence on the yield of grain had a variety – 66,40%, foliar feeding influenced the yield by 25,50%, other factors not studied - by 7,20%. As the foliar feeding with drugs also increased the yield of nutrients. For the introduction of Vegestim in 2 terms, the feed yield was 3,85-4,06 t/ha, and the digestible protein yield was 2,14-2,46 t/ha. For the introduction of Agrostimulin, these indicators amounted to 3,73-4,67 t/ha. and 2,08-2,61 t/ha of digestible protein. The highest rates of nutrient yield were on the barley variety of spring Spitfire – 4,83 t/ha feed units and 2,69 t/ha digestible protein - Vegestim variant + preseeding treatment, and 4,67 t/ha feed units and 2,61 t/ha digestible protein - on Agrostimulin variant + preseeding treatment.
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