soybean, variety, bacteriization, retardant, stand density, plant heightAbstract
In the modern conditions of agricultural production, the state of agriculture in Ukraine is characterized by the search for ways to increase the efficiency of cultivation technologies by optimizing the sown areas as a key factor in climate change. Today, soybean is the most important high-protein and oil crop in the world crop production. It forms a high level of productivity in agrocenoses with optimal stem density and evenly distributed on the plant nutrition area. Such parameters of crops are largely achieved due to obtaining friendly and timely seedlings, high field germination and good survival of plants during the growing season. The purpose of the research conducted in 2018-2022 was to determine the effect of seed inoculation with a microbial preparation and different concentrations of retardant on the dynamics of stand density and height of soybean plants in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Visual, quantitative and statistical-mathematical methods of observation and research in agronomy were used during experimental research. It was established that in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the most favorable conditions for the growth, development and preservation of soybean plants per unit area during the growing season were formed by the options that provided for the combination of seed inoculation with a preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria with two times treatment with a 0.75% concentration of retardant solution. According to this technological model of cultivation, the height of soybean plants in the budding phase was 55.8 cm, in the flowering phase – 64.5-66.4 cm, in the bean filling phase – 67.9-77.4 cm. Due to seed inoculation, the height increase of plants in the budding phase was 4.1-5.5%, in the flowering phase 3.4-5.5%, and in the bean filling phase – 3.8-4.9%, relative to the control. A similar trend was noted in the Azimut variety. The greatest height of the plant was noted in the period of ВВСН 75 grain pouring during the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a bacterial preparation and with two times treatment of 0.75% retardant concentration, which is 16.8% higher compared to the control.
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