



bioconversion culture, bioconversion processes, biogas, anaerobic fermentation, energy capacity, biogas plant, ecology


Technologies for the production of biogas from the processing of bioconversion crops contribute to the formation of a cleaner ecological environment, ensuring energy independence from the supply of coal and gas, and also allow the generation of electricity and heat without harming the environment. The bioconversion process is beneficial not only through the production of gas, but also through the creation of environmentally friendly types of energy. The purpose of the conducted research is to investigate and evaluate the possibilities of using bioconversion crops as renewable energy resources to increase the efficiency of energy production. The task is to analyze the potential of obtaining energy from biological crops, which can contribute to the development of more reliable and ecologically safe energy systems. Research methods are: statistical analysis of production, application and productivity of bioconversion crops in various regions of the world, which allows comparing them as sources of renewable energy and assessing their energy potential; laboratory studies to determine the energy value of bioconversion crops, the performance of various processing methods and analyzes the impact of various conditions on the production of biogas, biodiesel and other products; the use of modeling for the study of bioconversion processes, assessment of their energy efficiency and environmental impact. This method allows the analysis of complex systems that are difficult or impossible to study only through experiments, including consideration of chemical reactions. The practical results of the research confirm the significant interest in the development and implementation of bioconversion technologies for the production of energy from organic waste, which meets the needs of reducing the environmental burden and increasing the efficiency of the use of renewable energy sources. In particular, anaerobic fermentation of agricultural waste and manure has shown high potential in the production of biogas, which can be an effective alternative to traditional energy resources. Prospects for further research in the field of bioconversion technologies and energy production from organic waste open wide opportunities for the scientific community, industry and society as a whole. Given the growing demand for environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, it is important to focus efforts on optimizing existing technologies and developing innovative biomass processing methods.


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