



biodiversity, settlement ecosystems, plant communities, anthropogenic landscapes


The purpose of the article is to establish the species diversity of representatives of the Orthoptera order in the territory of the Central Polissia quarries and their relationship with plant communities. Following the goal, the following tasks were set: to establish the species diversity of representatives of the Orthoptera order in the territory of the Central Polissia quarries; determine the syntaxonomic structure of the vegetation of the territory of the Central Polissia quarries; to establish a connection between individual species of the Orthoptera order and plant groups. Representatives of the series were found in only 86.2% of the examined objects. Chorthippus biguttulus (75.9%), Tettigonia viridissima (68.9%), Gryllus campestris (58.6%) and Locusta migratoria (55.2%) are found on the territory of most objects. Chorthippus brunneus, Oedipoda caerulescens, Omocestus viridulus, Podisma pedestris, and Sphingonotus caerulans were found only at one of the sites (3.4%). 17 species of Orthoptera order belonging to 13 genera of 3 families were found on the territory of the quarries within the Central Polissia. The highest species diversity is observed in the Acrididae family. It consists of 12 species belonging to 8 genera. Representatives of the Orthoptera order are found in plant groups belonging to 9 classes, 14 orders, 19 unions, and 35 associations. Among them, the highest phytocoenotic diversity has the classes of plant groups Molinio- Arrhenatheretea, which includes 11 associations (31.4% of the phytocoenotic diversity), 3 associations (15.8%) and 3 orders (21.4%) and the Artemisietea vulgaris class, which includes 10 associations (28.6%), 4 unions (21.1%) and 2 orders (14.3%). Species of the Orthoptera order are part of four rarities habitats listed in Resolution 4 of the Berne Convention: "E1. 71 Nardus stricta grouping (Nardus stricta swards)" with Calluno-Nardetum vegetation association, "E2.2 Low and medium altitude hay meadows" with Arrhenatheretalia elatioris vegetation order, "E3.4 Wet or humid eutrophic and mesotrophic meadows (Moist or wet eutropic and mesotrophic grassland)" with vegetation order Molinetalia and "F4.2 Dry heaths" with vegetation classes Sedo-Scleranthetetea and Calluno-Ulicetea.


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