recreational load, stages of recreational digression, precipitation-litter coefficient (PLC), fractional composition, type of spatial structureAbstract
Park "Green Grove" in the city of Dnipro is a modern recreational space created on the basis of a natural forest. However, intensive recreational activities of citizens can lead to impoverishment of the species composition of the group, negative changes in the processes of functioning and circulation of substances in the ecosystem, and cause a decrease in the stability of the plant group, deterioration of its functional state and loss of decorativeness. Therefore, a necessary condition for ensuring proper care, implementation of timely measures for the preservation, protection and support of the park group is the implementation of complex monitoring studies of its condition. It has been proven that one of the important diagnostic indicators of the state of the tree group is the state and characteristics of the forest floor litter, since it is the most sensitive component of the forest that first responds to environmental factors, including recreational and anthropogenic influences. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to study the forestry and landscape-recreational indicators of the tree plantation of the "Green Grove" park, as well as the analysis of the forest litter of the plantation as a basis for complex monitoring observations of the state of the plant community. The object of the study was the forest plantation of the park "Green Grove" in the city of Dnipro. During the research of the park, it was established that the average value of the stage of recreational digression is 1.48, although 10% of the park is in a state of severe degradation. The degree of recreational sustainability is 3. The precipitation-litter coefficient is 1.32±0.11 and indicates the development of tree plantations according to the steppe type of cycle, which is undesirable, since normally functioning tree groups with established and well-established ecosystem connections, as a rule, develop according to the forest type of cycle of organo-mineral substances, according to the scale of Rodin, Remezova and Bazilevich (1968). The obtained results can be used to predict the development of biogeocenoses and provide practical recommendations for the care of urban park plantings.
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