great ramshorn, Planorbarius corneus, allospecies, hydrosphere, distribution, ecology, physiologyAbstract
One of the inevitable actual problems of the modern hydroecology is to establish the levels of the set of indexes of eco-physiological capabilities of the leading dominant components in natural freshwater ecosystems of widespread mollusc species, and the role of the latest in maintenance of necessary normal functioning level of separate individuals and their populations and biocenoses, to which they belong. The study of eco-physiological features of great ramshorn is now quite actual due to its wide ecological valence, its wide range in the moderate climate freshwaters river networks on different continents (of North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia), and its important role caused by its abundance in biocenoses inhabited by it. Because it will allow to establish and estimate the level of possibilities of those reasons that made us to raise the significance and to widen the list of still unlit questions about the reasons for zoologists to raise the systematic rang of this object from species to the higher, superspecies. The results of our study undoubtedly confirm that the Planorbarius corneus, widespread in Ukraine, is not a mollusc species but a superspecies presented by two genetic vicaristic allospecies “western” and “eastern”, statistically significantly (р ≤ 0,001) separated from each other as by their geographic distribution features, as by eco-physiological indexes. The range of the former allospecies lasts by river network of moderate climate zone of Europe from the Atlantic coast to the Dnipro channel inclusively. The range of the latter allospecies – similar as by its shape and area, as by the hydrological indexes (despite it is the moderate zone as well), lasts as the wide stripe from Dnipro to Ural Mountains and behind them to the eastern coast of Yenisei river. This is the Euro-Asian range of this wide-range mollusc superspecies, the great ramshorn. Before the Dnipro channel it represents only “western” allospecies, and after it (from Dnipro to Yenisei inclusively) – only “eastern” one.
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