centuries-old trees, botanical natural monument, inventory, ecosystem services, і-Tree Eco, the city of Chernihiv, Left-bank PolissiaAbstract
Centuries-old trees have scientific, ecological, historical and cultural significance and perform important functions. Most of the objects of the nature reserve fund of the city of Chernihiv were created in the 60s and 70s of the XXth century and need to be studied for their current condition, reviewed for maintenance measures and treatment of the trunks to prevent their further destruction. The issue of the ecological value of centuries-old trees and assessing ecosystem services in monetary terms for further preservation and development of approaches to care, treatment and recreational use, etc. is becoming topical. The purpose of the study was to carry out a comprehensive assessment and determine the ecosystem services of centuries-old trees in the category of botanical natural monument of local importance of the structure of the nature reserve fund of the city of Chernihiv (Left-Bank Polissia, Ukraine) using the i-Tree Eco tool. An inventory of botanical natural monuments of local importance of the nature reserve fund of the city of Chernihiv was carried out. According to the systematic structure, 105 individuals occupying an area of 1.17 ha include 6 species (Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst., Larix decidua Mill., Quercus robur L., Tilia cordata Mill. Aesculus hippocasranum L.), from 4 families, from 2 divisions (Pinophyta, Magnoliophyta). The largest number of deciduous trees of the first size (Quercus robur, 47 individuals) is found in terms of life form. According to ecological features, shade-loving species (49 individuals) and light-demanding species (48) prevail, mesophytes (104) are demanding in terms of humidity, mesotrophs (104) are edaphic in terms of edaphic features, and frost-resistant (104) – in terms of frostresistance. In terms of age characteristics, the groups of trees over 100 years old (64 individuals) and 250–400 years old (37 individuals) prevail, and most centuries-old trees have a protected status granted to them since 1964 and 1972 (11 groups). In terms of vital condition, most centuries-old trees have mechanical damage of trunks, branches, wounds, powdery mildew is observed on the leaves, etc., and they belong to the Category II (weakened, grade II) and the Category III (very weakened, grade II-III) of tree condition. During the study the damage of trunks and branches from missile fragments sustained by centuries-old trees during the hostilities, as well as broken trees (partially or completely) were recorded. According to the results of calculations of the total value of ecosystem services of centuries-old trees using the i-Tree Eco software tool for 20 years, the total amount is $30905.69, 1231282.69 UAH. For the territory of the city of Chernihiv, an inventory of botanical natural monuments of local importance was carried out and for the first time the possibilities and prospects of using the i-Tree Eco tool for nature reserve sites were analysed, and ecosystem services for 105 species of centuries-old trees were defined. The practical interest lies in the possibility of using the i-Tree Eco tool to improve and enhance processes during the inventory of nature reserve fund objects. Determination of ecosystem services of centuries-old trees, which in most cases are not assessed from an economic, social, ecological perspective, which is of significant interest at the state and international levels, with the purpose of providing further funding for environmental protection measures, preservation and treatment, etc.
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