Zooplankton, Diplostraca, Cladocera, Crustacea, Chydoridae, Daphniidae, Macrothricidae, Bosminidae, Sididae, Eurycercidae, Moinidae, Leptodoridae Kharkiv region, UkraineAbstract
Cladocerans (Diplostraca) are important subjects of hydrobiological monitoring, playing a crucial role in freshwater ecosystems as biofilters. The material for this study consisted of 289 samples collected by the author from 2009 to 2023 in temporary and permanent water bodies of the Kharkiv region, as well as literary data from 1925 to 2014. Taxonomic diversity of cladocerans in the Kharkiv region was assessed through detailed morphological studies. Analysis of the examined samples revealed the presence of 56 species from 33 genera and 9 families of the superorder Diplostraca\ in water bodies of the Kharkiv region. The faunal composition of this region is predominantly represented by the families Chydoridae (46%) and Daphniidae (29%). On the other hand, lower percentages characterize the families Macrothricidae (7%), Bosminidae (4%), Sididae (4%), Eurycercidae (2%), Moinidae (2%), Leptodoridae (2%), and Polyphemidae (2%). The absence of findings of a significant number of planktonic cladocerans reported in previous studies may indicate changes in climate or hydrological regime. In conclusion, it should be noted that the water bodies of the Kharkiv region are characterized by families and genera that are common in the Palaearctic. Further study of the cladoceran fauna of the Kharkiv region is needed. The composition of cladoceran communities significantly influences the optimal functioning and ecological balance of aquatic ecosystems.
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