



geoecology, constructive geography, geosystems, river-basin systems, river-valley landscape, river natural and technical systems, landscape technical systems, landscape engineering systems, GIS technologies, Dniester PSPP, field methods


The purpose of the study is to investigate the water temperature gradient between the flumes of the Dniester PSPP for the future assessment of its impact on changes in the heat balance of the reservoir. A comprehensive research methodology was used to analyse in-situ methods for studying the impact of the Dniester PSPP natural and technical geosystem on dynamic processes in the environment of its operation. The initial stage included an analysis of the results of previous scientific studies on the impact of hydraulic engineering facilities on the environment. This made it possible to take into account previous findings and identify existing knowledge in this area. Next, we carried out on-site (field) data collection, which included in-situ measurements and observations directly in the area of the study object. Reservoirs, together with HPPs and PSPPs, are extremely powerful natural and technical, natural and engineering complexes. The study of such complexes primarily falls within the scope of constructive geography. From the geographical point of view, these are special geosystems, landscapes, and components of river-basin geosystems in general. Their research is interdisciplinary in nature, combining natural, socio-economic, geographical, geological, technical and other areas. In particular, they are directly related to the planning, design and management of relevant facilities. GIS technologies are an important tool for modern research of natural and technical geosystems. Modern technologies, such as geographic information systems (GIS), satellite imagery, remote sensing, etc., provide geographers with new opportunities for collecting, analysing and interpreting data, which helps to solve complex problems more efficiently. An example of the application of an integrated approach is the study of the impact of the natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester cascade of HPPs and PSPs on thermodynamic processes. The research in this article allows us to expand our understanding of the specific problem of managing anthropogenic load in a natural and technical system. The analysis of the object being designed as a system containing two most important parts – technical and natural – makes the systems approach not a decoration, but a prerequisite for the work of a natural scientist: a geographer, an ecologist – an ally, an associate of the designer. Designing, creating an environment that is optimal for human life means designing such systems, structures, and technologies so that they are as closely related to the existing relationships in nature as possible.


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