



nanostructured surface, depolarizer, modified platinum, voltammetry, electrooxidation


Voltammetry studies of the process of electrooxidation of pyridoxine using the nanostructured surface of platinum as an electrode material were carried out. The oxidation process of pyridoxine hydrochloride was carried out in an acidic and alkaline environment against the background of sodium perchlorate. The intensity of the manufactured electrode was compared with the process on a smooth platinum electrode. In experimental studies, voltammetry with linear and cyclic potential sweep was used. Comparing the potentiodynamic electrooxidation curves of pyridoxine hydrochloride on a smooth and nanostructured platinum electrode, it can be noted that the value of current maximum potentials at the same depolarizer concentration for an electrode with a nanostructured surface has a lower positive value. The number of electrons participating in the electrode process was calculated according to the well-known Levic limiting current equation of 2.18. The course of the obtained curves and the increase in overvoltage is primarily due to a decrease in the adsorption capacity of pyridoxine hydrochloride with an increase in temperature, which is subject to the theory of adsorption processes. Based on the results of the analysis of the obtained voltammetry curves, the calculation of the rate constant and the diffusion coefficient of the depolarizer oxidation process on a nanostructured platinum electrode was calculated. The voltammetry method used with linear and cyclic potential sweep on nanostructured platinum surfaces is a good alternative for the analytical determination of B6 because it is simple, cheap and has a low detection limit, as well as having sufficient accuracy and sensitivity. The detection limit is ~ 5 ∙10-4 mol/dm3.


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