pollution, infectious structures, population density, frequency of occurrence of species, intensity of sporulation, micromycetes, variety selectionAbstract
The selection of varieties of cereal crops as a factor in the regulation of the phytopathogenic mycobiome in agrocenoses is an actual direction of research, because it leads to reduce contamination of agrocenoses with infectious structures of pathogens. The article presents the results of the selection of spring barley plant varieties based by to the developed indicators: the population density of micromycetes, the frequency of occurrence of species and the intensity of sporulation. The species spectrum of micromycetes in the leaf mycobiome of the spring barley plant under different cultivation technologies was studied. Under the intensive technology of growing plants in the leaf microbiome of the investigated varieties of barley, the spring biodiversity of micromycete species was less than under the conditions of organic cultivation technology, but the frequency of occurrence of micromycete species was significantly higher, which indicates greater competition between species. The leaf mycobiome of spring barley plants of the Salomi and Sebastian varieties, which were grown under conditions of intensive and organic technologies, was studied. The leaves of the specified varieties of plants were selected in the phases: tillering, emerging into a tube and earing. The population density of phytopathogens on the leaf mycobiome was determined by the method of washing and surface sowing of the suspension on Czapek’s and KGA (potato-glucose agar) nutrient media. It was determined that under the intensive and organic technology of growing plants in the leaf mycobiome of Salomi spring barley, there was a decrease in population density, the frequency of occurrence of micromycete species and their intensity of sporulation in comparison with Sebastian spring barley plants. This indicates that the cultivation of spring barley plants of the specified varieties is able to restrain the formation of phytopathogen populations, which will ensure a reduction in the contamination of agrocenoses by infectious structures of pathogens and increase the safety of plant products.
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