


seed treatment, productivity, biological preparation, vegetation period, genetic potential


The use of biological preparations in the technologies of cultivation of cultivated plants contributes to increasing the yield and quality of products, enriching the soil with useful biota, and makes it possible to reduce the doses of mineral fertilizers and plant protection agents. The basis of microbiological preparations is living microorganisms, which are characterized by a complex of agronomically useful properties – nitrogen fixation, phosphate mobilization, growth stimulation, antagonism to phytopathogens. The purpose of the research work was to investigate the reaction of buckwheat varieties of different morphotypes to methods of applying the growth regulator of biological origin Leanum. To analyze the data of domestic and foreign literary sources related to the study of experience in optimizing the elements of buckwheat cultivation technology through the complex use of biological preparations, microfertilizers and growth regulators. The experiments were carried out in the conditions of the northeastern forest-steppe of Ukraine at the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of the National Academy of Sciences (2023). The object of the research was buckwheat varieties of different morphotypes (breeding of the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast). Research methods are field experiments, which included phenological, biometric observations and structural analysis of plants. As a result of the research, the peculiarities of growth and development, plant productivity and yield of buckwheat varieties of different morphotypes were studied, depending on the method of application of the biological preparation Leanum. The evaluation of the results of determining the yield shows that for varieties of the determinant type Yaroslavna and Selyanochka, options using a biopreparation by the method of seed treatment and seed treatment before sowing + spraying during the growing season had a significant effect on plant productivity. Spraying plants during the growing season also had a positive result, but significantly less. Indeterminate varieties showed a similar tendency to increase yield. Thus, on the control version of buckwheat varieties Slobozhanka and Simka, it was significantly smaller compared to seed treatment, spraying during the growing season and their technological combination. According to the research results, it is most appropriate to grow the determinant varieties of buckwheat Yaroslavna and Selyanochka with the use of biological preparation Leanum. The best result was obtained when growing the Selyanochka buckwheat variety on the option of seed treatment before sowing + spraying of plants during the growing season (yield 2.42 t/ha).


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