


weather, adaptation, functional systems, autonomic nervous system


The ecological role and biological nature of the mechanisms of their interaction remain unclear despite the extensive scientific data available on the impact of meteorological and heliogeophysical factors on the health and physiological parameters of the organism. It has been established that the body’s response to various stressful influences is largely determined by the ratio of the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. It is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and, above all, its sympathetic division that plays a special role in the formation of adaptive reactions of the body, the development of meteorological reactions, i.e. the autonomic nervous system is the primary site of meteorological influences that cause shifts in its balance. Determination of vegetative status and direction of vegetative activity in girls’ organism was carried out by means of functional and vegetative diagnostics by V. Makats’ method. We examined 186 girls, including 38 girls aged 7–11 years, 126 – aged 12–15 years and 22 – aged 16–21 years. Since the state of the autonomic nervous system is decisive in the development of meteotropic reactions, the data of the study of vegetative tone in sunny and cloudy weather under the combined influence of heliomagnetic storms (HMS) were analysed, favourable and unfavourable weather conditions for the body were determined and the state of adaptive health of the examined children was determined. It was found that under the influence of heliometeorological factors on the organism of practically healthy young girls, age-related peculiarities of meteorological variability are observed. It was found that the combined effect of the weather factor and geomagnetic storms (GMS) leads to changes in the functional activity and homeostasis of the body. The study of systemic age dependence revealed increased sensitivity to the weather factor with the simultaneous effect of GMS in the group of girls aged 16–21 years, which is associated with age-related physiological processes. It was also found that when the body was exposed to sunny weather under the influence of GMS, there was a significant parallel suppression of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) (bladder (BL) pacemaker) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) (spleen and pancreas (SP) pacemaker) in the groups of girls aged 12–13 and 16–21 years. The opposite reaction was found in the group of 16–21 years old under the simultaneous influence of cloudy weather and HMS. Normally, the ANS and PNS are functional antagonists, and when one is activated, the other is automatically inhibited. Only under the conditions of a super-powerful factor or several simultaneously acting on the body does a synchronous change in the activity of these autonomic nervous systems occur. In the analysis of changes in functional-adaptive health and adaptation coefficient under the influence of different weather under the influence of HMS, an unfavourable effect of sunny weather under the influence of HMS was revealed, characterised by an increase in the number of girls in the zone of PS activity with a simultaneous decrease in the FR zone, which indicates a negative aspect of the effect on the adaptation system and indicates the depletion of adaptive resources. The effects of weather on the body, even with the combined effect of HMS, are easily compensated for, and a special role in this belongs to the autonomic nervous system, whose activity ensures an adequate response of the body to the effects of environmental factors. Knowledge about meteosensitivity and meteorological reactions is necessary for the development of both preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at increasing nonspecific resistance and adaptation mechanisms of the body, normalising the function of organs and systems as a basis for normal reactions to adverse environmental changes. Environmental factors, including meteorological factors, are directly related to human life and health. Each of the meteorological elements has its own biological significance. This raises the question of the impact of solar activity, weather, atmospheric conditions, and, above all, anthropogenic pollution and other environmental parameters on human health, which naturally requires a quantitative approach to risk assessment and the development of necessary management decisions.


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