


ecology, atmosphere, urban ecosystem, automotive transport, anthropogenic load, pollution, innovation, ecological management


A feature of the modern solution of environmental problems within the framework of an innovative approach is the complexity with the introduction of green technologies in the production of cars, the development of intelligent systems for managing traffic flows. The purpose of the work was to analyze innovations in the environmental management of the motor vehicle system of urboecosystems to reduce the man-made load on the atmosphere. The research used a comparative analysis of data on the innovative ecological management of the motor vehicle system of urboecosystems, which allowed to study the dynamics of changes in the parameters of atmospheric pollution in the territory of Poltava region and determined the structure of the motor vehicle fleet of the city of Kremenchuk. The predominant sources of atmospheric pollution in the Poltava region are emissions from mobile sources, which make up 62.7% of the total annual volume. Environmentalists are concerned about the significant share of greenhouse gases in emissions, while Kremenchuk occupies one of the first places in terms of the volume of these gases. The general level of pollution of the surface layer of atmospheric air in the city of Kremenchuk is characterized as high. The work offers practical measures and recommendations for reducing the man-made load on atmospheric air in urban ecosystems, which can be a tool for decision-making in the field of environmental management and transport policy. The scientific novelty and practical value of the work lie in the development of innovative approaches to environmental management aimed at reducing atmospheric air pollution in urban agglomerations and include the transition to an ecologically safe logistics network, the introduction of ecological fuels and the increase in the use of ecologically clean types of electric-powered transport. A number of environmental and management measures proposed in the work will contribute to reducing the level of atmospheric air pollution of urban ecosystems and strengthen the actualization of priority air protection measures at the city level of management structures of the administrative body of territorial communities.


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