



lake, limnosystem, hydroecological state of the lake, eutrophication, eutrophication factors, measures to reduce eutrophication


The Shatsk Lakes are a group of more than 30 picturesque lakes in northwestern Ukraine, within the Shatsk National Nature Park. These lakes are important as a habitat for numerous rare and endangered species of plants and animals listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and international conservation registers. Like other lakes, they are currently experiencing eutrophication. This leads to a decrease in water quality, oxygen content, water blooms, and deterioration of the living conditions for aquatic life. At the same time, the Shatsk Lakes are one of the most famous recreational regions of Ukraine. The relevance of the work lies in the need to assess the eutrophication of lakes and its impact on their rational use and protection. The purpose of the article is to assess the eutrophication of the Shatsk Lakes, to determine the factors that determine the degree of eutrophication, to develop measures to reduce the eutrophication of the lakes and improve their hydroecological condition. The methods used were data collection, statistical processing, remote sensing, cartographic, and expert assessment. It was found that the level of eutrophication of the studied lakes is not high. Even in summer, for most lakes, the NDVI does not exceed 0.2. For some (Svityaz, Luky, Peremut, Pulemetske), this index is even lower. This is due to the peculiarities of the lakes: karst origin, significant depths and areas of the water mirror, high stability of their ecosystems, and a relatively low level of economic development. Although eutrophication is insignificant, the impact of global climate change on the state of lake ecosystems is felt. This impact will increase in the future. Therefore, it is very important to develop measures to reduce eutrophication and improve the hydroecological status of the Shatsk Lakes.


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