successions, edaphotope, catastrophic climax, space expansionAbstract
The article is devoted to the possibilities of natural restoration of ecosystems, including beyond the borders of the Earth, depending on environmental conditions. The purpose of the study is to predict the potential of spontaneous terraforming in simulated conditions of a substrate not inhabited by biota. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: to model the main parameters of probable edaphic conditions of an uninhabited substrate, to establish the main vectors of settlement and transformation potential of such a substrate by biota, to determine the teratransformation potential of biota on various primary substrates. The dynamics of ecosystems, which lead to changes in the environment, is a process of terraforming, during which the surface of the planet acquires the appearance corresponding to a certain stage of the evolution of biota. Such dynamics are not rigidly determined and depend on external factors, including anthropogenic, endo-echogenetic and syngenetic potential of the territory. It moves in the direction of the maximum values of above-ground phytomass volumes and growth of its age available in a certain climatic zone and at a certain stage of evolution. This process can be both human-controlled and spontaneous. Spontaneous terraforming is an autogenic succession with edaphic conditions approaching the climactic optimum. It constantly occurs both independently and in parallel with the purposeful actions of a person. Depending on the substrate, several variants of spontaneous terraforming are possible, which are an autogenic succession with a transition to an endoechogenetic catastrophic climax. It will last until the change of the mineral part of the edaphotope with its subsequent filling with biogenic elements. Under the condition of constancy in the zone of the optimum indicators of other factors, there is a dependence between the particle sizes of the mineral base of the soil and the potential of spontaneous terraforming. For terrestrial biota, the optimal indicators of soil mineral base are particles with a size of 0.005 mm to 0.05 mm, which correspond to aeolian loess.
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