


ecosystems, anthropogenic transformation, natural dynamics, return water discharge.


The work is devoted to studying the impact of reclaimed water discharge on the dynamics and state of plant communities in the Zhezheliv granite quarry. The purpose of the study is to study the effect of return water on plant communities in the territory of the planned activity of the Private Joint-Stock Company "Zhezhelivsky Quarry". To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to investigate and classify plant groups in the territory of the planned activity of the Zhezheliv granite quarry; to establish the leading factors that change during the release of return waters; to predict the probable environmental impact of reclaimed waters on rare components of the biota. The territory of the Zhezheliv granite deposit is a typical anthropogenic landscape with a high level of anthropogenic transformation with a large share of fallows and shrubs. The biota of the studied territory consists of trivial, often synanthropic flora and fauna. They are represented by zonal species common to this area. The vegetation of the studied area belongs to 11 classes, 12 orders, 14 unions, and 18 associations according to the Brown-Blanquet classification. No settlements, species of flora, and fauna, which are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, the Green Book of Ukraine, and annexes to the resolutions of the Berne Convention, were found on the territory of the deposit. Coastal ecosystems with autotrophic blocks in the form of vegetation classes Phragmiti- Magnocaricetea and Salicetea purpurea are affected by return water discharges. The discharge of reclaimed water from the Zhezheliv quarry stabilizes the existence of eutrophic coastal habitats with Phragmitetum australis and Typhetum angustifoliae vegetation associations. Also, by increasing the long-term wetting regime in the coastal areas, the condition of the Salici-Populetum association improves, which on the banks of rivers outside the zone of planned activity can acquire the status of a rare habitat (G1.11. Riverine Salix woodland). According to indicators of the dynamics of natural dynamics and the level of anthropogenic transformation, coastal habitats are euhemerobic ecosystems at the stage of transition from the herbaceous to the tree-shrub stage of the autogenic succession. Raising the water level due to the discharge of Reclaimed waters will contribute to their restoration and return to a less transformed state.


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