organic-inorganic nanocomposites, nanoclusters, in situ polymerization, silicon(IV) oxide nanoparticles, physical and chemical characteristicsAbstract
The physico-chemical laws of formation were studied and samples of multifunctional organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on a polymer matrix – conjugated polyaminoarene (polyaniline) and SiO2 (brand AE-300) nanoparticles modified with compounds of titanium(IV) oxide (brand TAS-7) and phosphorus(III) chloride(brand F-2.1) were synthesized by the in situ polymerization method. It was found that the use of silicon(IV) oxide nanoparticles modified by inorganic compounds in the composition of of organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on polyaniline can not only change their structure, but also cause an improvement in their physico-chemical characteristics. The peculiarities of the morphological structure of the dispersion of modified silicon(IV) oxide and PANi/ HCl-SiO2 composite were investigated using the method of optical microscopy («Micromed» microscope with a digital camera «Nicon-2500»). The specific electrical conductivity of the studied composites in pressed samples was determined according to the standard 2-x by the contact method at a temperature of Т = 293 K, and the relationship between the electrical properties and the structure of the composites was established. The optimal composition of SiO2 nanoclusters modified with inorganic compounds (1−4% by mass) for obtaining nanocomposites with predicted electrical properties was established. It is shown that the silica content of 1–4% causes an increasing of composite conductivity; moreover the introduction of silica contributes to the stabilization of the polyaniline An increase in the electrical conductivity of polyaniline in the presence of silicon(IV) oxide modified with inorganic compounds can be due to the processes of structuring the SiO2 colloidal dispersion with the formation of a spatial three-dimensional network, which includes the chains of the conductive polymer.
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