milk, protein content, titration, acetic acid, measurement error, concentrationAbstract
Proteins are an essential component of food products, having unique biological properties not found in any other organic compounds. Their physical and chemical transformations, ability to engage in intramolecular interactions and catalytic and receptor properties ensure vital human body functions, participating in critical processes such as antibody formation, oxygen transportation, and digestion. Milk is one of the food products with a high protein content. This study, based on the analysis of scientific literature, reviews and classifies several methods for determining protein content in milk and dairy products, ultimately identifying the most suitable method for both laboratory and industrial applications. The article explores the protein content in animal- and plant-based milk using the acetic acid titration method. The titrimetric analysis method is chosen due to its optimal balance of accuracy and simplicity. The experiments included cow, goat, almond, coconut and oat milk, revealing that almond milk have the highest protein content. The resulting data are analyzed to assess the variability of the measurements (dispersion) and to identify and eliminate observational errors. Diagrams are constructed based on the data, visually representing the protein content in different types and specific samples of the studied milk. Absolute (0.2–0.66 ml) and relative measurement errors are calculated, primarily stemming from the dominant instrumental error. Future research is focused on deriving a quantitative estimate of the empirical coefficient k when using acetic acid as the titration reagent.
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