early-ripening varieties, berries, blueberries, growth phases, productivity, biochemical compositionAbstract
The article presents the results of a study on blueberry productivity in the Pre-Carpathian region. The research was conducted at the «Zhytnyi Lany» farm, located in the village of Tsutsyliv, Nadvirna district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The farm is distinguished by favorable natural conditions for cultivating various agricultural crops, particularly blueberries. Field, laboratory, mathematical, statistical, and analytical methods were used in this study. The research examines the productivity of early-ripening blueberry varieties under Pre-Carpathian conditions. It analyzes the impact of climatic and substantiated regional factors on berry yield and quality, and identifies optimal agrotechnical measures to increase plantation productivity. The evaluation was based on long-term field studies, which included examining the dynamics of plant growth, adaptability, and fruiting in response to weather conditions and improvement systems. The findings support effective approaches to cultivating blueberries in the moderate climate of the Pre- Carpathians, which is promising for the development of regional berry farming. It was found that the average berry weight of the Patriot variety was 2.5–3.5 grams, with the Spartan variety being 0.5 grams heavier. The smallest berries were from the Duke variety, weighing between 1.5 and 2.5 grams. Duke berries have a pleasant taste and high transport resistance. The Spartan variety is known for its large berries and aroma, making it popular in the market. The Patriot variety features a soft berry with a rich flavor, though it is slightly less durable in storage compared to other varieties. The sugar content, influencing the taste characteristics of the berries, was highest in the Duke variety at 10.1%, giving it a sweeter flavor. The Patriot variety had a slightly lower sugar content at 9.4%. The vitamin C content, which supports antioxidant and immune properties, was highest in the Spartan variety at 10.5 mg per 100 g, and lowest in the Patriot at 8.7 mg per 100 g.
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