soft winter wheat, genetic diversity, protein, breeding, yieldAbstract
The article discusses the selection of soft winter wheat using genetic materials containing the GPC-B1 gene and genes from Aegilops tauschii. One of the current issues in modern breeding is the development of wheat varieties with high protein content, increased yield, and improved baking properties. Utilizing genetic diversity effectively enhances grain quality and creates more resilient varieties to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. The field research was conducted at the Breeding and Genetic Institute. The study objects were wheat lines created through triple crosses using lines carrying the GPC-B1 gene and genes from Aegilops tauschii. The protein content in the grain was determined using the Kjeldahl method and infrared spectroscopy. The physicochemical properties of the grain were examined using the sedimentation method. 3200 lines were studied, of which 216 lines showed an increased protein content compared to standard varieties. The most promising lines exceeded the standard protein content by 10–15%, with better physicochemical properties, including sedimentation and baking properties. The use of GPC-B1 and Aegilops tauschii genes resulted in stable genotypes that combine high yield with superior grain quality. For the first time, a comprehensive study was conducted on the use of GPC-B1 and Aegilops tauschii genes in soft wheat breeding. The results can be used to develop new varieties with increased protein content and improved baking properties, which is essential for food security and the agricultural sector.
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