agrophysical degradation of soil, density, porosity, soil structure, green manureAbstract
It is noted that the use of soil rehabilitation technologies is relevant for Ukraine, given the intensity and sustainability of the development of degradation processes of soil cover, especially in terms of agrophysical degradation caused by soil disintegration and overcompaction, loss of useful porosity. Such trends ultimately pose a threat to the preservation of agricultural landscapes and the formation of the foundations of food security. Over a five-year period (2019–2024), the effectiveness and feasibility of using oilseed radish as a green manure crop in the variant of summer (intermediate) green manure use with a stable four-year cycle was assessed in order to study the nature of the impact of such an agrotechnological solution on the formation of basic agrophysical soil parameters on the test site of gray forest soils with an average level of initial agrophysical degradation. According to the results of the research, a favorable hydrothermal regime of the territories of the Right- Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine of the gray forest soil zone was determined to ensure the processes of mineralization of green manure and the formation of a positive resulting effect on the basic agrophysical parameters of the soil. The expediency of the summer green manure variant using oilseed radish leaf and stem mass with a period of at least 4 years to increase the share of agronomically valuable fraction of soil aggregates by at least 6.9% while reducing the share of cloddy fraction by at least 3.2%, reducing soil density by 6.9%, increasing aeration porosity by 7.3%, while increasing the total porosity by 10.0% was established. The resulting positive effect of the use of oil radish as a green manure on the overall structure of soil aggregates against the background of a significant decrease in the proportion of aggregates with a lumpy outline and the formation of an optimal dispersed soil surface with an increase in the soil structure coefficient in the range of 0.36–0.54 was also established.
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