agrocenosis, wheat, herbicides, biological products, weeds, grainAbstract
In the context of climate change in the direction of warming, in order to obtain a consistently high yield of winter wheat grain, it is important to apply technological meas ures that will increase the productivity and quality of the grown products. The development of the most effective, least costly and environmentally friendly weed control system using modern herbi cides and biological products during the cultivation of winter wheat is an extremely important element in the technology of this crop. The purpose of the study. To identify the peculiarities of the formation of grain productivity of winter wheat depending on biological products and the use of herbicides in the autumn. Methods of problem analysis. The research was carried out during 2022–2023 in the experimental field of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University in the village of Agronomicheske, Vinnytsia district. The experimental work was carried out to co ntrol weeds in crops by means of chemical measures. In the course of the study, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special methods: laboratory and field. Indicators were processed using mathematical statistics. Analyzing the species composition of weeds, we note that in the autumn period, when the 3rd leaf of wheat appeared, there were 45 weeds per m 2. The best effect on the reduction of weeds on wheat crops was observed in areas where wheat seeds we re treated with Organic-Balance biological product before sowing, and herbicide Kalibr and surfactant Trend 90 were applied in the phase of tillering. The reduction of weed vegetation in comparison with the control plots for the period of wheat harvesting showed a level of 90,8% reduction compared to the control plots, among which the number of cereal weeds decreased by 82,9%, dicotyledonous weeds – 96,2%. The average wheat yield for two years in the control plots was 2.34 t/ha. With the autumn application of the herbicide Caliber at a rate of 50 g/ha and the surfactant Trend 90, the wheat grain yield was within 4,64 t/ha, an increase over the control was 2,30 t/ha or 98%. In the areas where winter wheat seeds were treated with Organic- Balance biological product and Kalibr herbicide with Trend 90 surfactant was applied in the fall, the grain yield was 5,34 t/ha, an increase over the control was 128%. The experiments conducted. The conducted research contributes to the possibility of postponing the application of post-emergence herbicides from spring to autumn.
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