


rural areas, sustainable development, environmental problems, demographic situation, quality of life


Rural areas are a crucial component of socio-economic and environmental development. They play a key role in ensuring food security, preserving the natural environment, cultural heritage, and promoting sustainable development. However, challenges such as population decline, urbanization, changes in agricultural practices, and climate change highlight the need for systematic studies and an integrated approach to understanding these territories. The aim of the study is to identify the main theoretical and methodological approaches to studying rural areas, to highlight key scientific trends, and to determine existing research gaps requiring further investigation. The analysis of scientific publications was conducted using the VOSviewer program and the PubMed database. The search was performed using the keyword “rural settlements” and included peer-reviewed journal articles published between 1924 and 2024. A total of 990 articles were identified, with the peak of scientific activity observed in 2022. Analysis using VOSviewer revealed key research directions, including: demographic issues and population specifics in rural areas; environmental challenges: air pollution, climate change, water supply issues, and waste management; socio-economic aspects: inequality, poverty, and the need for state support; food security and the sustainable functioning of agricultural activities. The study adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of rural territories, emphasizing their multifunctionality and significance for national policy. The findings provide a foundation for developing strategies for sustainable development, reducing socio-economic disparities, and minimizing environmental risks. The practical value lies in applying the data to formulate state programs for rural revitalization, improving the quality of life, and implementing effective resource management strategies. Rural territories encompass a significant portion of Ukraine’s land area (84.6%) and play a vital role in food and environmental security. However, their current state of crisis demands comprehensive, systematic studies, the integration of modern management methods, and the application of state tools to stimulate rural development.


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