


pesticides, water, elemental composition, pollution


Pesticides, as xenobiotics, are able to penetrate into aquatic ecosystems and accumulate in living organisms, which causes the need for constant monitoring of their presence in the environment. Since the effective detection of such substances in water is important for the protection of the environment and the health of the population, the study was conducted at the Ukrainian Laboratory of Product Quality and Safety of the Agricultural Industry of the NUBiP of Ukraine, accredited according to the DSTU ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The work investigated the optimal conditions for the extraction of pesticides from surface waters and improved their quantitative determination using chromatography. The main attention was paid to the improvement of the method of analysis of lipophilic xenobiotics, which includes extraction with n-hexane and acetonitrile. The use of different values of logP allows efficient extraction of lipophilic compounds. Substances with different logP were used to evaluate the efficiency of extraction of xenobiotics. This made it possible to investigate how the lipophilicity of substances affects their extraction from the aqueous medium and redistribution into the organic layer during extraction. HPLC/MS/MS (high-performance liquid chromatography) and GC/MS (gas chromatography) chromatographic methods were used for quantitative determination of pesticides. The limit of quantification was 0.1 μg/m³, with a linear concentration range of 0.100–1,000 μg/m³. The proposed method is suitable for monitoring studies and allows obtaining accurate data on the residual amounts of pesticides in surface waters, predicting possible contamination of water bodies. Continuous monitoring using this technique ensures timely detection of xenobiotics and response to changes in water composition, which prevents negative consequences for ecosystems and public health. Thus, the used technique is an important tool for ensuring the ecological safety of agricultural reservoirs and reducing the risks of contamination by agrochemical substances.


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