


wind factor, wind erosion, soil degradation, wind dynamics, pattern, cluster analysis.


The analysis of the wind factor as a factor of wind erosion of Polissia soils is highlighted. The highest intensity of wind erosion in the Polissya zone is observed in the spring and autumn periods, when the density of vegetation cover is the lowest during the year and there is no snow cover. The temporal dynamics of the wind regime forms certain patterns, which determines the formation of the corresponding clusters of months of the year as indicators of the temporal regularity of the wind regime and clusters of administrative districts as indicators of the spatial regularity of the wind regime. The early spring period is the least long (two months), which allows it to be interpreted as transitional. This interpretation explains the inclusion in this cluster by the dynamic features of August as also the transition period from the summer wind regime to the autumn one. The winter period is characterized by an extremely strong wind regime, the lowest wind intensity is observed in the summer-autumn period. The transitional early spring period is characterized by an intermediate level of wind load, but the greatest variability of indicators, which also emphasizes the transitional nature of this time stage of the year. It was established that the maximum value of the wind factor for these areas is observed in winter and is 3,57 m3 s−3, and the minimum is observed in August and is 2,3 3,57 m3 s−3. The central and eastern regions (Manevytskyi, Kovelskyi and Rozhishchenskyi) also form a homogeneous subzone, the peculiarity of which is that the duration of strong winds in the winter period is somewhat shorter compared to the northwestern regions. The highest wind load is observed in the winter months, and the lowest at the end of summer. Geographically, the north-western and south-eastern regions of the region experience the greatest wind load. In terms of time, three consecutive periods can be distinguished: winter, early spring, and summer-autumn.


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