


triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, non-esterified fatty acids, phospholipids, heavy metal ions, freshwater mollusks, oxidative stress


The quantity of total lipids and their separate groups (triacylglycerols (TAG), diacylglycerols (DAG), nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and phospholipids (PL)) in the hemolymph, hepatopancreas, mantle and leg of Lymnaea stagnalis was studied under the influence of cadmium ions at a concentration of 5 maximum permissible concentrations for fishing ponds. It was found that the quantity of these compounds in the body of L. stagnalis is diverse, organ-specific and largely depends on the duration of the influence of the toxicant (2, 7 days). It was determined that Cd2+ ions, regardless of the duration of exposure, cause a decrease of triacylglycerols in the hepatopancreas, mantle and leg of L. stagnalis by 16.16–38.76% (p ≤ 0.05– 0.01), which probably indicates the activation of lipases and strengthening of lipolysis processes to compensate the high energy loss associated with adaptation of the mollusk body to the action of the toxicant. Along with a decrease in triacylglycerols in the hepatopancreas of L. stagnalis, an increase in the content of diacylglycerols and non-esterified fatty acids by 10.43–34.59% (p ≤ 0.05–0.01) was recorded under the short-term effect of Cd2+ (2 days), and with prolongation up to 7 days significant accumulation of diacylglycerols in the body was noted. As for the indicators of NEFA, no statistically significant differences with the control group of animals for the hepatopancreas were established. In the mantle, leg, and hemolymph, the content of individual lipid groups is specific and determined by the time L. stagnalis is in a toxic environment. The results obtained by us indicate, on the one hand, the activation of protective mechanisms in the studied animals, and on the other hand, physiological and biochemical changes in the body. Therefore, the lipid content of the studied groups reflects the adaptive response of the L. stagnalis organism to changes in environmental factors.


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