


productivity, yield variation, trend, weather conditions, weather coefficient, ratio of sown areas


Significant changes in climatic conditions observed over the past 50 years have a significant impact on the effectiveness of growing grain crops. Agricultural productivity and arable land productivity directly affect the level of food security in developing countries and their economic development. Ukraine is no exception. The current state of agriculture in Ukraine is characterized by the search for ways to increase the efficiency of agricultural production by optimizing the sown areas as a key factor of efficiency. The assessment of the temporal variability of yields of the main grain crops was carried out on the territory of the Mykolaiv region, which is characterized by very arid climatic conditions due to a small amount of precipitation with a significant influx of thermal resources. Therefore, obtaining high and stable harvests in this territory for most grain crops is possible only if the sown areas are optimized taking into account changes in weather conditions. The work evaluated the temporal variability of yields of the main agricultural crops (winter wheat, winter rapeseed, spring barley, oats, corn, sunflower) of the Mykolaiv region for the period from 2001 to 2021. The weather coefficient of variation in the yield of grain crops was also calculated, which made it possible to determine the qualitative characteristics zones of grain crop yield variability and distinguish the following gradations for the studied crops: winter rapeseed, spring barley and corn - the most stable crops, winter wheat and sunflower – moderately stable crops, oats - unstable crops. It was found that crops that belong to the most stable crops do not occupy large cultivated areas on the territory of the region. The largest areas are occupied by winter wheat and sunflower crops. The work provides recommendations for increasing the area of corn and spring barley and moderately increasing the area under winter rape, which, unfortunately, depletes the soil to a large extent. It is recommended to reduce the areas of winter wheat and sunflower by 15–20%.


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