


park, ecosystem services, horse chestnut, warty birch, Kremenets, carbon, tree species, surface runoff


The relevance of assessing the ecosystem services of the green spaces of the Taras Shevchenko Park for Culture and Recreation using the i-Tree Eco tool is that it allows to scientifically substantiate the importance of green areas for the city, the health of citizens, and to identify ways to optimize the care and development of the park, balancing its role as a natural reservoir, a place for rest and recreation, as well as a resource for improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions in the city. This helps to make informed decisions on the management and development of green infrastructure in the context of sustainable development and ensuring a comfortable life for the urban population. The aim of the study is to assess the ecosystem services of the green spaces of the Taras Shevchenko Park for Culture and Recreation using the i-Tree Eco tool. The i-Tree Eco tool can be used to analyze the ecosystem services of the green spaces of Taras Shevchenko Park, such as collecting and analyzing data on the size and condition of trees, estimating the amount of carbon stored, and measuring their impact on air quality and the urban environment. Additionally, the value of ecosystem services such as noise and air temperature reduction, water conservation, and improved park aesthetics can be assessed to determine their importance to the local environment. The results of the research for the definition of ecosystem services included 77 trees. Thus, the most common species are horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.,), small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata Mill.), and warty birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The distribution of tree sizes in the Taras Shevchenko Park for Culture and Recreation shows considerable diversity. The majority of trees (53,3%) have a diameter between 18,1 and 30,0 cm, while about a third (27,3%) are in the ranges of 12,1–18,0 cm and 30,1–36,0 cm. Only a small number of trees (14,3%) have a diameter between 3,1 and 12,0 cm. The Park’s plantation has a significant potential for carbon sequestration and runoff prevention. It holds 131,10 tons of carbon for a total of 657 184,21 UAH and reduces runoff by 40 812,45 ha/year for a total of 10 611,23 UAH. The scientific novelty of this study is the use of the i-Tree Eco tool to assess ecosystem services in a specific Taras Shevchenko Park. This approach allows us to determine the specific environmental benefits and value of green spaces for this particular location, which can be unique to this park and serve as an example for similar studies in similar locations. The assessment of the ecosystem services of the green spaces of the Taras Shevchenko Park for Culture and Recreation using the i-Tree Eco tool will contribute to the awareness of the importance and value of parks in cities, help to develop effective strategies for the management and conservation of green areas and improve the quality of life of the local population.


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