


performance, quality, sustainability, manufacturability, indicators


The great diversity of hybrids and varieties of winter rape in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine, which includes about 400 names, creates a problem for producers when choosing the optimal options. Therefore, determining the main characteristics of hybrids and varieties of winter rape, which must be paid attention to when choosing them, is an urgent issue. And it is also necessary to clearly group the advantages and disadvantages of both hybrids and varieties of winter rape, which is especially important during the economic crisis. Our research was carried out by studying literary sources on the specified topic. The advantages of winter rapeseed hybrids are higher productivity potential, high resistance to adverse environmental factors at the initial stages of growth and development, intensive recovery of spring vegetation, low seeding rate, the possibility of sowing in late periods. Winter rapeseed varieties are characterized by a higher oil content, low cost of seed material, slow plant development in the fall, which allows earlier sowing, higher adaptability and plasticity to adverse growing conditions, less demanding fertilizer and protection systems. When choosing varieties or hybrids of winter rape, pay attention to their maturity. There are earlyripening, medium-early, medium-ripening and late-ripening forms. Other groups of indicators when choosing optimal varieties or hybrids of winter rape are their resistance to adverse growing conditions; quality characteristics of the harvest; technological suitability. Important biochemical characteristics of winter rape are the absence or very low content of erucic acid and glucosinolates in its seeds. Varieties ensure the yield of winter rape seeds of about 3 t/ha, and hybrids - 4.5-5.0 t/ha. However, hybrids will require higher fertilizer rates and better crop protection to ensure such productivity. It is best to have both varieties and hybrids in the farm, which guarantees the avoidance of weather risks.


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