



age spectrum, ontogenetic indices, ontogenetic and vitality structures, cenopopulation


In urban gardening, it is important to create sustainable phytocenoses using species that, adapting to the complex conditions of the urban environment, do not lose their decorativeness, and at the same time care for them is economically viable.. The article represents the features of the ontogenetic and vitality structure of cenopopulations of Lamium purpureum L. and Lamium maculatum (L.) L. in territories with different degrees of anthropogenic load in urban environments. To determine the ontogenetic and vitality structure, we selected six control plots with an area of 1 m2, which are located within the Zamostyanska district of Vinnytsia. An integral assessment of the state of cenopopulations is presented using ontogenetic indices by I.M. Kovalenko. For the integral assessment of cenopulations of selected species, the indicators of the density of cenopulations, their parameters, ontogenetic spectra, indices of generativity, recovery and aging were used. The characteristics of the species main ontogenetic states have been given. Individuals of six age states have been identified: seedlings (p), juvenile plants (j), immature (im), virginal(v), young generative (g1), mature generative (g2). Observing the cenopopulations of L. purpureum L. and L. maculatum L. (L.), we did not register old generative individuals (g3); subsenile individuals (ss); senile individuals (s). According to the results of studies of the ontogenetic and vitality structures of L. purpureum L. and L. maculatum (L.) L. cenopopulations, we found that all cenopopulations are normal incomplete due to the absence of old generative, subsenile and senile individuals. The age spectra of all studied cenopopulations are left-sided with a predominance of immature, pre-generative and juvenile states. All studied cenopopulations have a high recovery index. Innovation indices of all cenopopulations are very high, and generative, senilis are low. Based on the signs of the vitality structure, only two types of cenopopulations were found – balanced and prosperous. Vitality structure of L. purpureum L. and L. maculatum (L.) L. cenopopulations was analyzed, taking into account a group of individual morphometric parameters, such as individual height, inflorescence length, and corolla length. According to the vitality structure, all cenopopulations аre balanced and prosperous types.


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