


organic synthesis, reaction mechanisms, carbonyl compounds, reactivity, modification


The relevance of the study lies in the biological activity of thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines, which may have potential in the development of new drugs and pharmacological applications. The aim of the study was to investigate the acylation processes of 2,4-dioxo- and 4-imino-2-oxo-3-phenyl-5-R-6-R’-thieno[2,3-d] pyrimidines and to assess the potential of the synthesised compounds in the development of biologically active substances. To achieve this goal, organic synthesis methods were used. Further analysis of the structure of the obtained compounds included the use of NMR and IR spectroscopy. In the present work, the acylation of 2,4-dioxo- and 4-imino-2-oxo-3-phenyl-5-R-6-R’-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines with carboxylic acid acyl halides was carried out. The interaction was carried out with the participation of sodium salts and specific acylating agents under appropriate conditions, which stimulated the formation of the target acylated products. The experimental results showed successful acylation of the starting compounds, which was confirmed by analytical data and spectroscopic characteristics. To fully characterise the obtained compounds, the melting points were measured to confirm the purity and stability of the samples. The presence of acyloxyl groups in the synthesised molecules indicates the successful introduction of an acyl group into the thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine molecule. An additional analysis of the data obtained showed that alkylation and acylation of the sodium salts occur with the participation of an exocyclic oxygen atom at position 2, which leads to the formation of 2-alk(acyl) oxy-4-oxo(imino)-3-phenyl-5-R-6-R-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines. The data obtained also indicate the potential for further development of the methodology for the synthesis and study of the properties of acylated compounds for their further use in the pharmaceutical industry or other areas aimed at creating new drugs and functional materials.


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