


hybrids InVigor 1030, Mercedes, Exception, row spacing, yield, plant density, number of pods per plant, weight of 1000 seeds, oil content


Winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is the most important and profitable oilseed crop in Ukraine. The main task of increasing its productivity is to find ways to improve the elements of cultivation technology. The article presents the results of field and laboratory studies carried out in the Right Bank Forest- Steppe on the basis of “Podillya Plus” LLC in Shepetivka district, Khmelnytskyi region, during 2022–2024. The purpose of the research was to study the peculiarities of yield formation and quality of winter rapeseed depending on the biological potential of the studied hybrids (BASF InVigor 1030; NPZ LEMBKE Mercedes; BAYER Exception) and three methods of sowing with row spacing of 15, 30 and 45 cm. The methods used in the research are field, laboratory, statistical (correlation and regression), and comparative and calculative. Due to global warming and a critical lack of precipitation in different periods of the growing season, winter rapeseed requires differentiation of the elements of cultivation technology. It was found that on typical chernozem (3.2% humus) modern hybrids are able to form an average of 3.82 to 4.45 t/ha of seeds. The best hybrids in terms of yield were Exception and InVigor 1030, the increase in seed yield of which for sowing with a row spacing of 30 cm compared to a row spacing of 15 cm was 0.34 t/ha and 0.31 t/ha, respectively. The density of rapeseed plants with increasing row spacing decreased from 42.7–43.1 plants/m2 (15 cm) to 40.4–41.2 plants/m2 (30 cm) and to 37.1–38.2 plants/m2 (45 cm). With a row spacing of 30 cm, winter rapeseed hybrids are able to form an average of 419.1 to 444.0 pods per plant. The weight of 1000 seeds of rapeseed hybrids at row spacing of 30 and 45 cm ranged from 6.0 to 6.4 g, which is 0.8–0.9 g more than when sown with a row spacing of 15 cm. The research results show that the selection of modern adaptive hybrids can increase the yield and quality of winter rape seeds.


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