


multispectral space scanning, soil cover, decoding, image classification, geostatistical analysis, soil heterogeneity


The need to integrate our country into the general European systems of environmental observation actualizes the improvement of the modern information support system for nature use and land use in Ukraine based on space scanning data. The purpose of the research is development the fundamentals of methodology for diagnosing and parameterizing of local structures heterogeneity of soil cover based on space scanning data with high spatial resolution as an information basis to develop of modern systems of balanced agriculture and rational management of soil resources. It were used a complex of various methods: information-bibliographic, analytical, abstract-logical, field and laboratory-analytical, statistical and mathematical, as well as methods of multidimensional analysis, geo-information processing and geo-statistical data analysis. Using the example of research at the «Tyshki 1» training ground, which included a joint analysis of the results of the multispectral data classification and geostatistical analysis of data from selective ground surveys, It has been proven the effectiveness of developed methodological foundations of thematic processing of space images for the determination, parameterization and modeling of local soil cover structures as the basis to create a modern system information support for precision and balanced farming. According to the geostatistical express analysis of point sampling data within the polygon by Moran’s index, conditions and factors of lateral heterogeneity of chernozems (typical chernozem, regraded and meadow-chernozem soil units) on slopes of different exposures were detailed. It was established that on the slope of the south-eastern exposition, which is characterized by the development of erosion processes, lateral soil heterogeneity is characteristic for granulometric composition indicators, total humus content and separate components of water extraction. Lateral soil heterogeneity was noted only for indicators of microaggregate composition on the slopes of the north-western and northern expositions, in conditions of very weak manifestation of erosion, which has allowed to determine the influence of the structural composition of the soil surface layer on the formation its optical characteristics. А pilot project of an information service was developed based on the soil decoding results of space survey data to provide information about the state of soil resources to a wide range of users: land users, the scientific community, the general public.


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