


Turanian wheat, sowing date, biometric indicators, indicators of crop structure, productivity


Consumers are interested in Turanian wheat because its chemical composition is more beneficial than traditional wheat. It is highly resistant to heat and atmospheric drought, but almost unstable to soil drought. The massive spread of this new crop for Ukraine is hampered by the lack of agrotechnological methods of growing it, which would contribute to the formation of high productivity plants in specific soil and climatic conditions. The purpose of the research was to determine the optimal sowing times of Turanian wheat in the arid conditions of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted in the field crop rotation of the Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during 2021–2023. Turanian wheat of the Sarmat variety (PU No 230611 dated 10/25/2023) was used for sowing. Research methods: field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. To solve the task, the following sowing dates were chosen: March 15, April 1, April 15. It was established that the highest height of the plant was formed in the first two sowing dates (15.03 and 1.04), which exceeds the plants of the last sowing period in this indicator by 3 cm. The highest coefficients of general and productive tillering were in the first term of sowing – 1,04 and 1,0 respectively, the smallest (0,99 and 0,97) are for the latter. The influence of the terms of sowing of Turanian wheat on the passage of the initial stages of organogenesis also affected the formation of indicators of the crop structure by the plants. The first sowing date on March 15 provided the largest ear length (5,9 cm), the largest number of grains in an ear (17 pcs.) and the weight of 1000 grains (52,34 g), allowed to obtain the highest plant productivity – 2,9 t/ha. This shows that sowing Turanian wheat as early as possible helps to prevent the influence of such factors as air and soil drought, which are typical for the conditions of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. It has been proven that a delay in sowing for a month reduces the yield of this crop by 6,9%.


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