


agroecosystem, productivity, forest, agrochemical indicators, degree of security


Today, one of the main tasks of agricultural production is the creation of an optimal mode of formation and functioning of agroecosystems in order to obtain stable and high yields. Agroecosystems are anthropogenic systems and, unlike natural ecosystems, the circulation of substances and energy in them is carried out with the forced participation of humans. Instead, natural ecological processes occurring in soils and crops determine the future fate of agroecosystems no less than technological influences such as tillage, irrigation and fertilization. That is why the theoretical basis of land use should be a set of scientific knowledge about the interaction between plants, animals and microorganisms in agroecosystems and the influence of environmental factors on their vital activities. Considering the leading role of cultivated plants in the formation of agrocenosis, the theory of processes of agricultural plant production should be considered the main part of this body of scientific knowledge. In natural systems, the balance of the cycle of nutrients is achieved by the variety of plant and animal species distributed in the given territory, but such a balance is essentially unattainable in agroecosystems, where crops are formed mainly from one type of plant. Therefore, the removal of mineral and organic compounds from the agroecosystem must be constantly supplemented with fertilizers, and for the simultaneous coexistence of different types of plants in nature, it is necessary to regularly rotate them in the form of crop rotation. However, it is impossible to achieve complete harmony in agroecosystems. The use of herbicides and insecticides leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem, which as a result leads to the cultivation of special crops that are vulnerable to diseases, weeds and pest infestation. At the same time, the side effects of using chemical plant protection agents affect the ecological condition of the soil itself, as well as the neighboring forests and water bodies. The data of the agrochemical survey of soils are presented on the example of the agroecosystem of the village of Plebanivka, the culture of which is soybeаn and the structural and integral element of which are the forests located in its structure. Different indicators of exchange acidity (pH) were established depending on the distance of the location from the forest, basically the pH is neutral in most of the selected samples. It was established that there are areas that have very low indicators of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen – 53 mg/kg, 61 mg/kg, 78 mg/kg and 81 mg/kg; one sample with a low content of mobile phosphorus – 42 mg/kg, all other samples were characterized by a high degree of soil availability; indicators of exchangeable potassium in all samples had a high degree of availability of the soil from 150 mg/kg to 195 mg/kg.


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