


variety, sowing period, plant protection, protein content, fat content


The purpose of the research was to determine the quality indicators of seeds of soybean varieties of domestic selection. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the experimental field of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, located in the southwestern part of the Kherson region, 12 km from the city of Kherson, on the lands of the Ingulets irrigation system. Three-factor experiment (factor A – variety, B – sowing period, C – plant protection system). Three varieties of soybeans of different maturity groups, selections of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which are included in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, were selected for the research: Diona, Danaya, and Svyatogor. Sowing period: the first – April 20, the second – May 5, the third – May 20. Plant protection system: control (water treatment), bioprotection, chemical protection. It was established that the varietal factor and plant protection exerted the greatest influence on the protein content of soybean seeds during its cultivation on the irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The maximum protein content at the level of 41.2% was formed in the Svyatogor variety during the second period of sowing and application of chemical plant protection, as well as in the Danaya variety during the first period of sowing and application of chemical plant protection (39.7%). The highest protein content in the seeds of soybean varieties (on average) was obtained in the version with chemical protection – 39.6%, which is 1.6 percentage points more than the control version. The difference between biological and chemical protection was 0.7%. A strong correlation between protein content and yield was observed in the studied varieties (r = 0.837...0.929). The trend of increasing the protein content of the seeds of soybean varieties indicates that improving the conditions of plant ontogenesis by technological measures with the use of protection means and optimization of sowing dates leads to the formation of full-fledged seeds and increased reutilization of protein compounds from the leaf-stem mass to the reproductive organs. Chemical plant protection of soybean varieties had a significant effect on the fat content of all varieties relative to the control. However, the effect of chemical and biological protection agents was almost at the same level, which indicates the possibility of using such protection agents to obtain the same effect of increasing the fat content in the seeds of varieties. The maximum level of fat content (22.6%) was reached in the variant with the Danai variety during the second and third sowing periods against the background of chemical plant protection.


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