



desiccation, herbicides, preparations, duration of desiccant application, productivity, main products


The growth and development of maize plants and their productivity are largely dependent on the elements of maize cultivation technology. One of the least studied technological components is the use of desiccants and their effect on the moisture content of maize grain and by-products. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of desiccants and the timing of their application on the moisture content and yield of grain and maize by-products in the right-bank forest steppe of Ukraine. It was shown that the moisture content and yield of grain and maize by-products varied depending on the climatic conditions of the year and the time of desiccant application. No significant differences in these indicators were found between the preparations studied. The results of the research showed that in the first term of application of desiccants, the moisture content of grain and maize by-products decreased by 8.1–8.6 and 11.8–12.4%, in the second by 5.7–6.1 and 5.6–5.9%, and in the third by 2.1–2.2 and 1.7–2.0%, compared to the control variants. The greatest decrease in the moisture content of the leaves and sheaths and the cob of maize plants was recorded in the first period of desiccant application – 18.5–19.1% and 6.9–7.6%, respectively. And the stem moisture content decreased the most in the second term by 14.9–15.8%. During the first term of desiccant application, a decrease in grain yield of 0.11–0.12 t/ha grain was observed compared to the control. During the second and third terms of desiccant use, a slight increase in grain productivity of 0.04–0.06 t/ha was observed. A decrease in by-product yield of 0.20–1.16 t/ha was observed in the treatments with desiccant application compared to the plots without desiccant application (control). The maximum maize grain yield was obtained in the third term of desiccant application – 9.44–9.51 t/ha, and by-products in the first term – 18.46– 19.61 t/ha. The obtained results confirm the necessity of using desiccants in maize cultivation.


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