


narrow-leaf lupine, macroelements, mineral fertilizers, humates, leaves, roots, grains


The article presents the research results on the impact of fertilization on the macroelement content in narrow-leaf lupine plants. The research was conducted at the experimental field of the Department of Forestry and Agrarian Management of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The methods used in the research included field, laboratory, mathematical, statistical, and computational methods. It was found that the phosphorus content in lupine grains remains almost at the same level, ranging from 408 to 474 mg/100 g for all plant samples, except for the variant with the application of Intermag Titan, where the value is the lowest (328 mg/100 g). For narrow-leaf lupine, titanium fertilizer does not promote phosphorus absorption by the plants. In the plant leaves, this indicator was the highest in the variant with the application of BLACK JACK KS fertilizer, amounting to 391 mg/100 g, which is 360 mg/100 g higher than the variant with the application of mineral fertilizers. The same trend is observed for the phosphorus content in the roots: the highest indicator for the plants was obtained with the application of humate (474 mg/100 g). For the rest of the variants, the values remain at the same level. Humates are a more effective fertilizer for phosphorus absorption by lupine. Regarding potassium, the lowest amount in lupine grains was observed in the control (927 mg/100 g), while with the application of mineral fertilizer at the rate of N90P90K90, it increased by 156 mg/100 g. Titanium fertilizer’s effect on potassium absorption by the plants is on the same level as mineral fertilizer. The potassium content in the leaves is highest for variants 2 and 4, lower for the control and variant 3. The potassium content in lupine roots is highest in the variants where mineral fertilizers were applied, amounting to 1507 mg/100 g, which is 1123 mg/100 g more compared to the variant with humate application. It was found that the magnesium content in lupine leaves ranged from 310 mg/100 g in the variant with mineral fertilizer application to 503 mg/100 g with humate application. The magnesium content in lupine grains varied from 65 mg/100 g to 141 mg/100 g, and in the roots, this indicator was highest in the variant with mineral fertilizer application, amounting to 113 mg/100 g.


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