


bioproductivity, aboveground phytomass, root biomass, correlation coefficients, green manure


It is noted that modern fertilisation systems are focused on increasing the share of bioorganic resources in the form of green manure and other alternative sources of bioorganics. This ensures the harmonisation of agrotechnologies for growing major crops from the point of view of greening the fertilisation system and ensuring close to natural processes of soil conservation and soil rehabilitation. Over a ten-year period (2014–2023), the bioproductivity of oilseed radish was assessed by the basic criterion of the root system productivity coefficient with the accompanying analysis of the dynamics of aboveground phytomass and root biomass formation in order to determine the potential of this species for use in green manure technologies on soils with low potential of soil fertility conditions (grey forest soils). Assessment of the dynamics of growth of oil radish aboveground leaf and root biomass as a potential candidate for green manure technologies showed its value at the level of 2,97–3,63 for spring and 1,83–2,51 for summer sowing at the value of the share of roots in the total biomass at the level of 30–58%. The adaptability of oilseed radish with the possibility of forming a disparity ratio of aboveground biomass at the physiologically minimum value of the formed root mass was proved, which allows to recommend oilseed radish as a green manure in variants of summer intermediate use with an increase in the aridity coefficient and a decrease in the moisture coefficient of the corresponding agricultural regions. The correlation-regression dependence in the conjugate formation of the root system and the aboveground part of plants was determined with a level of direct dependence at the determination of the relationship at the level of 70,4% for the yield of dry matter and 83,7% for the yield in total crude weight.


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