


ecological condition, water resources, water quality, comparison


The article analyzes the current state of water resources in the Dnipro basin. It compares its quality indicators with other large rivers of the world to determine the scale of the problem and effective ways to solve it. Ensuring high-quality water resources is critically important for Ukraine, given the strategic significance of the Dnipro River for millions of people, industrial enterprises, and agriculture. In recent years, the state of water in the Dnipro basin has raised concerns due to the increasing levels of pollution caused by industrial, agricultural, and household waste. Official reports indicate that the permissible concentrations of heavy metals and pesticides in the water are being exceeded, creating serious environmental and socio-economic problems. The research used water monitoring data in the Dnipropetrovsk and Poltava regions and international data from European, American and Chinese sources. Methods included descriptive statistics, regression and correlation analyses, and principal component analysis. The study results show that the concentrations of chlorides and sulfates in the water of the Dnipro basin significantly exceed European and American standards, indicating significant anthropogenic pollution. In addition, high levels of trophicity and saprobity indicate significant organic pollution, which can lead to eutrophication and decreased biodiversity. The scientific novelty of the study consists of a comprehensive comparison of the water quality in the Dnipro basin with other large rivers of the world, which made it possible to identify specific problems and their causes. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of recommendations for improving the quality of water resources through the implementation of modern cleaning technologies, strengthening environmental monitoring and reducing anthropogenic load, which will contribute to the sustainable development of water resources in Ukraine and increase the ecological safety of the region.


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