


forest ecosystems, soil, atmospheric deposition, forest litter, leaf litterfall, phytomass, bioaccumulation by plants, phytotoxicity, microelement biogeochemical cycle, pollution


Urban air pollution is a globally recognized issue, significantly impacting human health. Urban green spaces and forest ecosystems play a crucial role in mitigating air pollution; however, they are themselves vulnerable to pollution, leading to phytotoxic effects, reduced resilience of vegetation to other stressors, and diminished air purification efficiency. Heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), are among the most concerning air pollutants. Unlike other pollutants, heavy metals can be absorbed and accumulated within forest ecosystems, leading to potential long-term ecological consequences. This study aims to evaluate the biogeochemical cycling of Pb in urban green spaces under varying levels of anthropogenic pressure. The research focuses on hornbeam groves in two areas within the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine: the Holosiivskyi National Nature Park (NPP) in Kyiv, which experiences significant urban influence, and the Kaniv Nature Reserve, which is relatively undisturbed. Through longterm monitoring, we assessed Pb accumulation in soils, quantified Pb vertical migration using lysimetry, determined the levels of Pb deposition via atmospheric processes, and analyzed Pb dynamics within the forest litter and hornbeam phytomass. Our findings reveal a balanced Pb biogeochemical cycle in the Kaniv Nature Reserve, where Pb inputs from atmospheric deposition and leaf litter are offset by losses due to leaching into deeper soil layers, indicating no significant Pb retention. Conversely, the hornbeam groves in the Holosiivskyi NPP exhibit an imbalanced Pb cycle, with higher Pb retention in the ecosystem, particularly within the phytomass. This imbalance highlights the significant role of the biological component in maintaining the Pb cycle in urban forests, with 21% of Pb in the litter derived from leaf litterfall in the Holosiivskyi NPP.


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