


lung anatomy, histological structure, morphology, pulmonary respiration, chest cavity, alveolar tree, lung parenchyma, respiratory part


The rapidly changing ecological situation implies a high level of adaptation capabilities of the animal organism to the realities of the environment. In the conditions of animal husbandry, this is possible only with regular monitoring of the morphological state of organs and systems, especially the respiratory system, which is actively influenced by the features of housing, atmospheric air, feeding, as well as the medical and preventive measures that are carried out. Therefore, the functioning of the lungs as an open morphofunctional system directly depends on the nature of their dynamic interaction with a complex complex of physical and chemical environmental factors. In this regard, there is an obvious need for a detailed study of the macro- and micromorphology of the respiratory organs, since such organs are a system by which the body "builds itself from environmental conditions". It is also necessary to take into account that this system occupies one of the leading positions in ensuring the optimal level of functioning of the body, since the animal's development, metabolic processes, and its state of health largely depend on its work. Establishing the macro- and micromorphological features of the respiratory system is the foundation for preventive and therapeutic measures. The respiratory system ensures the intake of oxygen into the body and the excretion of carbon dioxide from it, and the gas exchange between blood and air. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the macro- and micromorphological features of the lungs of a sexually mature horse - Equus Feruscaballus L., 1758. With the help of anatomical preparation and macroscopic, histological, morphometric and statistical methods of research, the morphology of the lungs was investigated and their belonging to a certain anatomical type was determined. As a result of the research, the partial structure of the lungs was determined, their topography, shape, dimensions, branching of the bronchi of the bronchial tree, results of organometry (absolute and relative lung mass), morphometric assessment of their morphological structures, asymmetry coefficient, etc. were determined. According to the results of morphological studies, the characteristic morphological features of the macro- and microscopic structure of the lungs of a mature horse were revealed according to the class, age and species of animals. The presence of individual morphological features in the lobular structure of the lungs of horses was revealed. In particular, there are only two lobes in the left lung (cranial and caudal), and three lobes in the right lung (cranial, caudal and additional). The alveolar tree of the lungs of horses is shortened, wide and has a vesicular structure. The conducted research to a certain extent expands and supplements information about the species, breed and morphological features of the anatomical and histological structure of the lungs in domestic animals and is important for assessing the clinical and morphological state of animals in normal conditions and for identifying the pathogenesis of animal diseases related to the respiratory organs.


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